2009年9月21日 星期一

哇靠~ 阿祖,你也太厲害了

今天的China Post國際怪怪新聞欄(我自己說的啦)一則美國佛州新聞, 一位91歲的老公公,半夜睡到一半聽到家裡的狗在叫,跳起來抓賊,也忘了身上沒穿衣服,拿著手槍, 衝到外面制伏一位酒醉的26歲竊賊, 直到警方到達現場,看到一位老裸男抓住一個年輕人~~(真不知警方第一眼看到時有沒有傻眼@@)
老公公是二次大戰退伍軍人, 厲害~果然是有練過

Naked man, 91, holds intruder at gunpoint
Lake Worth, Fla, AP
Authorities said a naked 91-year-old man was able to hold a drunken intruder at gunpoint until deputies arrived. Robert E. Thompson jumped out of bed early Saturday when his dog starting growling and attacking the intruder. He said he got his revolver and went out back to let the guy know how he felt about home invaders.
Thompson, a World War II veteran, he didn’t even notice he was standing outside in the dark without any clothes on.
Authorities arrived to find a drunk intruder being held outside by a naked homeowner.
The 26-year-old intruder was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail on a burglary charge.

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