昱旻,Apple (寬螢幕才看得到全圖囉)
2009年10月31日 星期六
2009年10月30日 星期五
2009年10月27日 星期二
2009年10月26日 星期一
Good fences make good neighbors
這句話看字面叫....好籬笆造就好鄰居,中文應該是叫'君子之交淡如水'之類的...雖然我還蠻喜歡英美文學的,但是畢竟不是非常精,隱約只是常常想到這句話,這是我喜歡的作家之一'蘿蔔佛斯特'Robert Frost(哈哈)詩裡的話,
而我也沒要討論這首詩啦,只是要幫我這張照片找個標題,並說明我家對面的鄰居實在不錯,平時我們也沒很熱絡,只是感覺比點頭還要好一點. 他們獨生女兒大我們的幾歲,我們就一直接收他們的玩具,真好~~ 最近送我的的這隻反斗城貴賓玩具狗(Poodle)就超讚,不但長得像真的,叫起來像真的狗,還有奶瓶狗餅乾,維妙維肖^^
Good fences make good neighbors
Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall” has still a lot of meaning. Originally people thought it meant that if farmers kept good fences their livestock would not cause any trouble for their neighbor farmers.
“Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows?
But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.”
而我也沒要討論這首詩啦,只是要幫我這張照片找個標題,並說明我家對面的鄰居實在不錯,平時我們也沒很熱絡,只是感覺比點頭還要好一點. 他們獨生女兒大我們的幾歲,我們就一直接收他們的玩具,真好~~ 最近送我的的這隻反斗城貴賓玩具狗(Poodle)就超讚,不但長得像真的,叫起來像真的狗,還有奶瓶狗餅乾,維妙維肖^^
Good fences make good neighbors
Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall” has still a lot of meaning. Originally people thought it meant that if farmers kept good fences their livestock would not cause any trouble for their neighbor farmers.
“Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows?
But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.”
2009年10月25日 星期日
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