2009年12月17日 星期四
2009年12月16日 星期三
2009年12月15日 星期二
walk-a-thon, read-a-thon ?
最近在婕的DVD和英文報紙常看到的字, *-a-thon的組合,概念大致和馬拉松(marathon)有關
walk-a-thon, walking marathon, 走路馬拉松(馬拉松競走),通常目的為募款; read-a-thon, 閱讀馬拉松, 輪流閱讀書本的活動
A walkathon (walk-a-thon), walking marathon or sponsored walk is a type of community or school fundraiser in which participants raise money by collecting donations or pledges for walking a predetermined distance or course. They are similar in format to other physical activity based fundraising events such as marathons and cycling races, but are usually non-competitive and lower iwalk-a-thon, read-a-thonntensity. The low intensity model is ideal for mobilizing broad-based community support for, and as a result Walkathons usually target participants from a wide range of ages and economic backgrounds.
Walkathons are popular fundraisers for issues that affect large sections of the population. Most commonly, Walkathons focus on fighting or curing pervasive diseases or ailments such as AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Lupus, and Arthritis, and participation is also often promoted as a symbol of empowerment, remembrance, or awareness of sufferers and their relations.
Walkathons are also popular for elementary schools because they allow the children to make a visible contribution to their school, they build community, are fun, encourage healthy exercise, and can be very lucrative.
walk-a-thon, walking marathon, 走路馬拉松(馬拉松競走),通常目的為募款; read-a-thon, 閱讀馬拉松, 輪流閱讀書本的活動
A walkathon (walk-a-thon), walking marathon or sponsored walk is a type of community or school fundraiser in which participants raise money by collecting donations or pledges for walking a predetermined distance or course. They are similar in format to other physical activity based fundraising events such as marathons and cycling races, but are usually non-competitive and lower iwalk-a-thon, read-a-thonntensity. The low intensity model is ideal for mobilizing broad-based community support for, and as a result Walkathons usually target participants from a wide range of ages and economic backgrounds.
Walkathons are popular fundraisers for issues that affect large sections of the population. Most commonly, Walkathons focus on fighting or curing pervasive diseases or ailments such as AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Lupus, and Arthritis, and participation is also often promoted as a symbol of empowerment, remembrance, or awareness of sufferers and their relations.
Walkathons are also popular for elementary schools because they allow the children to make a visible contribution to their school, they build community, are fun, encourage healthy exercise, and can be very lucrative.
2009年12月13日 星期日
Weekend Getaway---揪團到苗栗(一)
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