2009年6月20日 星期六


Neverland是Barrie的童話小飛俠彼得潘的虛構之島~待在島上的小朋友會停止長大~因此 Neverland 引申為 童年~不死~逃離主義 的隱喻 ~~有時被稱為Never Never Land~~

p.s. Michael Jackson (麥可傑克遜)的夢幻莊園就叫'Neverland'

Neverland is the fictional island featured in the children's story Peter Pan, written by J. M. Barrie. While sojourning in Neverland, children cease to age; therefore, Neverland is often used as a metaphor for eternal childhood, immortality and escapism. It is sometimes referred to as "Never Never Land", but was never called that in Barrie's original works.
One gets to Neverland by flying towards the "second star to the right, and straight on 'till morning". Flight can be achieved through the application of pixie dust and the thinking of happy thoughts. Important denizens of Neverland are Peter Pan, Pirates, the Lost Boys, Indians, Captain Hook, Smee, and the Crocodile. Peter, obviously, is the most important denizen, and Neverland's climate and weather responds to his presence and mood.

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