Andy Cathy, Stella, Ella and myself just met in Taipei this evening, it's a wonderful moment to recall all the fantastic events there in our dream land, Northern Ireland. and every tiny green gift prepared for St. Patrick's Day cheered u s after the heavy workload today. Julia can't make it coz her daughter had a cold, Judy is now away in UK, and lots of friends can't make it coz live far from taipei area. we had a good time and look fwd to next reunion~~ 穿著指定的綠色衣服,Andy拿出了北愛帶回來的愛爾蘭小國旗, 放在大家準備的100元綠色小禮物上, 讓這個St. Patrick Day 的綠色聚會充滿懷舊的味道, Ella挺著大肚前來,八年不見,感動勒~~ 只是希望下次可以有多一點人來^^