2010年3月11日 星期四

Farmville 英文單字 (四)

1. poppy 罌粟 , shamrock 酢醬草, 三葉草, leprechaun gnome 愛爾蘭傳說中的小妖精 ('勒批了空 呢ㄡㄣ)
2. Provencal barn 普羅旺斯穀倉 ….念作--ㄆ摟ven’ㄕㄚㄦ, flax leaves 亞麻葉
3. Lavender knoll 薰衣草小丘, Bistro table 小酒館桌 , flourishing birch 枝葉茂盛的樺樹

4. hellebore 黑藜蘆(黑藜蘆塊根可作強心劑和瀉劑), 是聖派屈克節前後愛爾蘭人會種的綠色植物之ㄧ,…The garden is dressed in green just in time for St Patrick's Day. The shades range from the light creamy green Corsican hellebore flowers to the dark hunter green of tulip leaves.

5. Kelly green cow…’kelly’ is the second most common family name in Ireland.
Kelly在愛爾蘭是第二普遍的姓, 而在美國流行文化裡, 它則意指 "戰士公主"

6. 為什麼最近farmville要開始送金子?.......因為...3/17是愛爾蘭著名的St. Patrick Day, 在這節日中,有些具代表性的象徵....像有著三片心形葉子連在一起的酢漿草(Shamrocks)和傳說中的綠衣老矮人,......綠衣老矮人是愛爾蘭傳說故事中的角色,他們是仙子製鞋的鞋匠,身高約二呎行動快速的小精靈,他們很喜歡和人們惡作劇,像是把人們兩隻鞋子的鞋帶綁在一起,害人們一站起來就跌倒;傳說中這些精靈將一罐罐的黃金藏在樹洞中,想要尋找黃金的人們,會在夜晚循著鞋匠精靈的鎚子聲,找到他們並要他們說出藏金的地點;曾有個人抓住一個精靈,也找到樹洞中的黃金,那個人先用紅手帕在樹上做個記號,準備回去帶工具再來挖黃金,誰知再回來後根本找不到那棵藏金的樹,原來小精靈把所有的樹都綁上了紅手帕啦!

7.St. Patrick's Day-聖派屈克節(愛爾蘭蓋爾語:Lá 』le Pádraig ),是紀念愛爾蘭的守護神,聖博德主教(約385–461年)的節日,在每年3月17日舉行。


聖派屈克節之所以成為羅馬天主教的宗教節日和愛爾蘭天主教的瞻禮日,得益於沃特福德出生的方濟各會修道士Luke Wadding[1]在17世紀前期的影響。

St. Patrick's Day 2004 in Cork,IrelandSaint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig) colloquially St. Paddy's Day or simply Paddy's Day, is an annual feast day that celebrates Saint Patrick (circa AD 387–493), the most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland, and is generally celebrated on 17 March.

The day is a national holiday of Ireland, a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland. In United Kingdom (excluding Northern Ireland), Australia, New Zealand and Montserrat it is widely celebrated, while in the United States it is a public holiday.[1]

St. Patrick's feast day was placed on the universal liturgical calendar in the Catholic Church due to the influence of the Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding[2] in the early part of the 17th century, although the feast day was celebrated in the local Irish church from a much earlier date. St. Patrick's Day is a holy day of obligation for [Roman Catholics in Ireland]. The feast day usually falls during Lent. The church calendar avoids the observance of saints' feasts during certain solemnities, moving the saint's day to a time outside those periods. St. Patrick's Day is very occasionally affected by this requirement. Thus when 17th of March falls during Holy Week, as in 1940 when St. Patrick's Day was observed on 3 April in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and again in 2008, having been observed on 15 March. St. Patrick's Day will not fall within Holy Week again until 2160 - when it will fall on the Monday before Easter.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 維基百科

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